Exams and Results... I personally think these two words play significant role by itself in our lives. No exams, No results. Exams in my context of definition is not just a paper that we have to sit after a period of time studying the subjects of our favourite or lame topics to know how bad or how well we understand them. But, it is also the EXAMS that we have to face in everyday lives. EXAMS=TRIALS. Trials of difficulties and hardships that we have to bear in this life. Life is HARD and yet it gives us WONDERFUL times too. What I can say here is that the EXAMS (whatever exams it might be) will turn into the RESULT whether we PASS or FAIL and go on with our lives or just give up.
Before the exam I believe that all of us will feel stress and we tend to do domething in-between the period of STUDYING and FOCUSING. Last semester, I have learned a lot from my friends who are excellent...better than me I can say... They are capable of doing things their own way, they are more vocal in expressing their thoughts and ideas. I felt so small, then, thinking that I did not contribute as much as I should,
but I know I have done my best...just, PERHAPS... not enough. I am a step-by-step person and I realize that I learn things quite differently. I have different types of friends and I think I have worked with them all.... Each of them have different ways and capabilities of doing things.
I just knew that last semester was not the best (cause my assignments results are not really good, especially that ONE subject, the others are OKAY...)... I can't find the reason why... I know it is JUST ME... perhaps I just need to be more focused each time and have fun instead of thinking other things that does not concerns me. But, THANK GOD... I really need this result to start to improve myself again. I manage to get Dean's List resullt for last semester...and I hope to continue it again this coming semester. It will be different, though...cause I am not in IPGK BL anymore...I will be in UKM... It is TOTALLY a different situation and different groups of people are around...
have drifted myself emotionally... the exam result is out today and I should be happy about it, right? But, honestly... not really... huhu... why? cause the pointer is the same like the past 2 semesters... But, still glad I can make it to the List and I have learned a lot during the semester. That is all I need to IMPROVE AGAIN... EXAMS will determine our RESULTS and RESULTS will give us the determination to IMPROVE or MAINTAIN what we have. I think it is best to say that IMPROVEMENT is needed...instead of MAINTENANCE. hm... what do you think??
EXAMS in our life is never ending. And, I think we face our life with courage everyday. For each of us we have our odds and trials to overcome and therefore make us a better person. We may not realize what we have been through in this world actually make us learning for the fact that we DO LEARN everyday. I may be too particular about this fact-of-life thingy... it's just how I view it, my perspectives on the things around me... maybe, YOU have your own view on THIS? Please.... do share with me....