Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How do you know you have found your LOVE?

Today is not Valentine's Day nor a special day. But, what I want to share is about LOVE based on experience. In my profile I have said that I have found the love of my life. So, why do I DARE to say that?

There are a lot of things that are uncertain in this world. We might or might not live as what we have planned - I focus this about your LOVE of your life... and it will be very disappointing.

So, how do you know you have found your LOVE? I dare to say I did, and I am happy that I have found him.

OK. This is a story - a true story of my life and how I hope it will give you some ideas of how I am sure I have found what I look for this while.

Some people fall in love because of many reasons. It may be the love at first sight (depends whether you believe this or not), first love (is it the same with love at first sight? hm... I don't know eh...) LOVERS after becoming friends, and there are loads more reasons of how you fall in LOVE. In my case, we are NOT FRIENDS, we barely know each other, we just... become a couple (GEREK...sounds nicer this way...LOL)

So, need not to mention at what age I was when I knew him. I could say that we officially become a couple through a third party (a friend) which occurred after we knew each other through a CHAT ROOM. This is not internet love, okay? I do not know what was I thinking at that time as I just agreed to his "proposal", and we become - a COUPLE.

I was young (VERY YOUNG) back then, and he is actually five years older than me. Age is not a problem, and we have been through a lot of things after that. The relationship was on and off for a year... but we made it through, until NOW. So, our relationship has been for 9 years... We argued, we cried, we cursed... just imagine how you quarrel with your partner!

I am very HAPPY now, with him. Quarreling is inevitable and it is NORMAL in any relationship. I LOVE him so much that I need not to mention it every time. I know that he is the ONE because I FEEL it that way and frankly the most hard question that people always ask me is>> Why do you LOVE him?<<NO REASON. In fact, I love HIM as who he IS. Whatever we had been through - bad times especially - have taught us to GROW together and be more AFFECTIONATE and APPRECIATIVE towards each other. We give a lot of chances to each other. Some of you may feel like there will be no SECOND CHANCE but, let me tell you... If you know you REALLY LOVE someone, you WILL give him or her a second chance, or MORE. How do you feel when you are in LOVE? Very simple - you can't eat, not even drinking!, you can't sleep, when you take your bath, you don't feel the water all over your body...wait, let me make it this way.. tidur tak lena, mandi tak basah, makan tak kenyang - whatever the sequence is! So, is this call LOVE? some of us. But,I know that I know I am in love with him ...(aih..jiwang...haha)

The 9 years relationship that I have with him - the secrets? No secrets at all! We do everything what the lovebirds would do! (Let the thing be SECRETS! LOL *wink*), we will try to settle our disagreements and we listen to each other. Him and I are different in every way - what we eat, what we like, what we think. These differences make us CLOSER and understand each other. Some people just like to be with someone who has the same interests, same ideas, and same point of views... it is good, in a way...but, as for me, the more we are different, the better... as the scope and views of life are wider.

All of you have different ways of viewing things - and this IS the way I view my LOVE LIFE with him. I love him as who he IS and HE loves ME as who I am. We are not perfect, in every way of our lives, of ourselves and of our thinking. However, we could make our life better by improving this imperfection and be PERFECT as how ourselves judge our own view of PERFECTION.

So, this is my story. How's yours? I have found my man, and HOPE that this relationship is BLESSED and we will be TOGETHER more years to come!!!

Thought of the day >>>>>>> If you can't find LOVE, LOVE will find you. Because LOVE makes your heart BEAT and will always be WITH YOU.

My Love For You is Forever

Happiness that we Share I'll Cherish


  1. jav, huhu (lap hingus) amboi2 ayat pergh jiwang!

  2. hehehehe... sekali mauk mencaci dan membenci jak... let love takes her place now... lol...

  3. jav..missing u soo much!
    ada betul la apa kamu kata tu...
    but then, ada quotes tambahan gik yang..
    soulmates do occur and it is real.its just that,whether u want to do something about it or not..its up to you..

    take care and love u always.


  4. lupak..god bless u and him.
    bertahan o..suspek!!!!

  5. Zie...thanks.... hahahah.... bena padah kitak ya... kitak gnei nektok a? pa cta dah?

    neway, keep in touch a... rindu kitak... luv u 2... thanks for the wish... =)

  6. i love u baby always and foever zara
    add this plzzzz

  7. do u love me xxxxxxx

  8. zara i wants 2 go out wiv u babyyyyyyyyyyy:)

  9. i love fojji always and forever xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Your story is beautiful and i'am happy for you even if I don't know you:) I will pray for you and I'm sure that your relationship will be forever!!! Have you a quiet life with God in your hearts!

  11. thanks to all who wishes me the best.. =)

  12. i love her a lot but could nt told to her
